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Discovery Components

User Inventory

The Nanitor User Inventory provides a sortable and filterable overview of all user accounts across your organization’s assets. See who has an account on which devices, when they last logged in, whether they have admin or remote access, and whether they’re flagged with issues such as expired passwords.

User inventory

Key benefits

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    Overview of access

    Nanitor gives a clear overview of which of your users have what kind of access where, making it easier to identify weak points in your account setup.

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    Identify problems

    Nanitor identifies accounts with problems that could pose risks to your system, such as users with no password set or expired passwords, accounts with admin access on multiple devices, or domain admin accounts on assets other than the domain controller.

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    Monitor activity

    Discover potentially suspicious activity by seeing which users are currently logged in on which systems, when they were last active, and when they last logged on.

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    Clean up unused accounts

    Nanitor helps you identify inactive user accounts that are no longer in use and should be locked or disabled.

Access to your systems should be tightly controlled

User accounts must be monitored closely, or they may become an attack vector into your organization’s systems. An attacker who gains access to a user account on one system may be able to log into other systems accessible to the same user.

A secure organization needs a clear overview of what each user can access and how, and must ensure accounts are secure.

Background photo - Access to your systems should be tightly controlled

Flexible technical policy

Different organizations have different needs. Nanitor allows you to decide for your organization which potential problems with user accounts become issues and how to prioritise them, reducing noise and ensuring the most pressing issues can be addressed first.

Confident user management

Nanitor’s Discovery Engine collects information about user accounts on all of your assets. The lightweight, self-regulating sensor runs invisibly in the background of your systems, monitoring in real time when users are active on which systems, what accounts exist, and any potential issues.

The User Inventory shows all the data where you can sort and filter it, while potential issues are automatically consolidated and prioritised with other security issues in the Nanitor Diamond™.