Discovery Components
Software Inventory
The Nanitor Software Inventory keeps track of what software is installed across your organization’s assets. Quickly discover assets running outdated or vulnerable software, blacklist or whitelist specific software or software versions, or mark certain software as mandatory for a set of assets.
Key benefits
Monitor software usage
Nanitor’s Software Inventory gives a detailed overview of what software is installed on assets across the entire organization. See exactly which versions of any given software are in use on which assets.
Identify vulnerable software
Nanitor lists known vulnerabilities on the specific software versions that are in use in your organization. Instantly see where software-based vulnerabilities exist and could be mitigated by updating or replacing vulnerable software.
Blacklisting and whitelisting
Blacklist specific vendors, software titles or software versions to raise an issue whenever that software is detected on an asset - or choose a strict software policy, where any software not whitelisted will raise an issue. The scope of a rule can be organization-wide or apply to specific asset labels only.
Mandatory software
Easily require installation of specific software on all assets, or all assets with particular labels, to automatically raise an issue for any asset that does not have the software installed.
Vulnerabilities in installed software can leave an open door to attackers
Installing and using different software is a necessary part of running any organization in the digital age, but all software, even trusted software, comes with risks. New vulnerabilities are discovered in widely used software every day, and while software vendors may release patches, old and unpatched versions of the software often remain installed and in use for years after the vulnerability has been published.
For security, it is critical to track potentially vulnerable software in use across an organization and ensure it is patched or replaced before the vulnerability can be exploited by malicious actors.

Powerful software policy management
Choose between a soft policy, where only blacklisted software and missing mandatory software will raise issues, or a detailed policy, where any software that is not explicitly whitelisted or mandatory will raise an issue. The flexible rule engine allows complex combinations of rules that interact in an intuitive way, such as blacklisting a software title across the organization but whitelisting it for a particular asset label, or making a title mandatory but blacklisting certain versions known to be vulnerable.
Detailed overview of software
Nanitor’s Discovery Engine collects information on all software installed on your organization’s assets and securely checks it in to your organization’s central Nanitor instance. There, the software inventory data is cross-referenced with Nanitor’s rules for whitelisted, blacklisted and mandatory software for the given asset, as well as a database of known vulnerabilities, and appropriate issues are raised and prioritized.
The Software Inventory provides a searchable overview of all software installed across the organization, where you can drill down into individual vendors, titles or software versions for what assets have them installed and what vulnerabilities are associated with them.