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Security Components

PII Endpoint Scanner

Protecting and controlling Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and avoiding accidental storage of it in unapproved locations is important to avoid potential data leakage.

Nanitor provides you with seamless detection of PII issues based on defined patterns such as credit card numbers, social security numbers and more.

When enabled, the Nanitor sensor automatically receives a binary that enables searching in common binary formats such as pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx in addition to text files such as .txt, .json, .xml, .log and more.

PII Endpoint Scanner

Key benefits

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    Quick time to result

    Turning on the PII search only takes a few clicks and you can have your results up in minutes in a simple fashion.

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    Low footprint

    The PII search is designed to take minimal system resources and perfectly utilizes the NDE architecture to scan on specified systems over time. If the machine is restarted, it resumes where it left off.

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    Reduce false positives

    The Nanitor scanning mechanism uses various smart context-based methods in order to reduce false positives. Ignore lists can also be specified conveniently to filter out known test data.

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    Focus your resourcesc

    By combining configuration and vulnerability information with data sensitivity, Nanitor can not only identify inappropriate data, but also identify the security compliance of involved assets. High-risk systems with sensitive data should receive immediate attention for addressing both PII issues and security posture.

Vulnerable systems with sensitive data are at high risk for data leaks

The unique combination of detection of PII issues with vulnerability, patch and configuration issues enables identifying the risk of data leakage which helps with prioritizing the key issues.

Ensuring that systems that are prone to data leakage are patched and securely configured helps reduce the chances of data being compromised.

Background photo - Vulnerable systems with sensitive data are at high risk for data leaks

Lightweight operation for endpoints

The PII Endpoint Scanner works on endpoint devices where the Nanitor sensor is installed. It is designed to run seamlessly in the background without bothering a user using the machine. When enabled on a device, the Nanitor sensor automatically downloads a supplementary PII binary that enables scanning binary file formats in addition to text file formats.

Once a PII issue is found, it is prioritized in the Nanitor Diamond and the system administrator is notified about it's location in order to remediate the problem.

Additional layer of protection - Avoid costly mistakes

Most employees are just trying to do their job well. When interacting with customers, they might accidentally write down information they should not, or developers might test out application code with information they forgot to remove. Good processes can go a long way to eliminate such accidents, but it is important to catch what slips through the cracks. The Nanitor PII Endpoint Scanner is designed to help find those cases in a practical and efficient manner.